New logo
This is our new revamped logo, thanks to Amber Faktor. Amber is also working on a line of products for the Festival, including T-shirts,...
Social media
This year we have created an instagram account for the event: @sandspitwildharvest The 'official' hashtag will be #wildharvestfestival...
This year's poster
This is the 2018 poster. Dates are very similar to last year and the design is the same. The event is set to take place every second week...
News and Updates
You might have started to see some ads for the Wildest Event on Haida Gwaii in Northword Magazine and the Haida Gwaii Trader. We are...
4th edition of the Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival
Our list of participants for this year's Wild Harvest Festival is starting to be quite long and worth sharing at this point. We expect...
Now working on bringing you the 4th Annual Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival!
We have now officially started the long process of shaping this year's Wild Harvest Festival. As a reminder, dates are set for the second...
Another Great Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival!
That's it for this year folks! Great turnout for this year's event and overall, we did luck out on the weather... Thank you from the...
Activities at the Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival - Mushroom foray changed to 2 outings closer to San
A combination of poor picking (there are very few mushrooms around this year) and weather made us change slightly the original outing to...
Special Occasion Licence for the Wild Harvest Festival dinners
We have a special occasion licence to serve alcohol for the dinners by chefs Edi and John. We will set up a bar area in the Community...
Wild Harvest Festival's dinner by Chefs Edi and John now fully booked
The dinner is as successful as ever and even though we did increase the number of seats to a total of 120 people this year, we are now...